Monday, 9 September 2013

Drawing of Onew from SHINee

here is a drawing of onew :) I know its kind of plain and not as great but I just thought i'd post this anyway... sry the picture's quite blurrr @_@ I may not be able to post anything for the time being because of my exams but should be able to at the start of October? by the way, I also have a video on youtube on how to make the pinee plush I have posted before. If you type in the keywords: pinee plush in youtube, you shld be able to find mine---which is the second result I think. (and again, the video was badly done in my opinion!)^^" gosh I think this blog is becoming more related to kpop! bye^^

Monday, 12 August 2013

Cuboid/tofu plush

This is a cuboid or tofu plush^^ its holding a heart that says 두부(dubu), meaning 'tofu' in korean. For this, i used button eyes from diaso and black yarn for the hands and legs. I think this turned out cute :3

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

PINee Plush from SHINee's One Fine Day

Here is a PINee plush from SHINee's One Fine Day/Wonderful Day~
PINee is actually a pineapple bag that belongs to Onew! I thought that PINee and his sunglasses were adorable, hence this plush! I might make a tutorial on this, either here on this blog or youtube. ^(00)^

Saturday, 3 August 2013

All of the Friendship Bracelets I've made so far..

These are all of the bracelets ive made since the end of last year-2012. I learnt how to make bracelets off youtube-i was always facinated on how friendship bracelets were made. >< i might be making a paw print or piano one soon!

Girls' Generation Friendship Bracelet <3

Today im done with another bracelet. Its a Girls Generation aka SNSD aka 소녀시대 bracelet. (Kpop girl group from korea). Here, i used pinkish-orange-yellow gradient thread from 'Spotlight', same as the previous bracelet. And cream coloured thread. I would say that the SHINee version was better XP

Friday, 2 August 2013

SHINee Friendship Bracelet <3

Yay! Finally done with the friendship barcelet! :3 this time, i made a SHINee (샤이니) design. SHINee is a kpop boy band, in case some of you dont know.
I took about a day to finish this. For this, i used dark blue embroidery floss/thread for the background and a gradient bluish-greenish-yellow one. And yes, its costs sooo much more.
I bought all of the thread and letter beads at 'Spotlight' in Singapore, at the mall 'Plaza Singapura'. Blue thread cost $0.85 and the gradient one cost about  $2.30.. (bought it w/o knowing the price!) And the beads cost about $2 for a packet.
I took reference of the letter patterns on the internet. But for the korean characters, small letter 'e' and heart, i kind of created them myself.
I attached a picture of the gradient thread. In case you want to buy it~

Pineapple plush

Havent been active here lately... :|
Anyway, this is a 3d pineapple plush i made some time ago. Its 'spikey hair' thingy can be pushed back n forth :P
I am still working on an alpha friendship bracelet. So i might post a picture of that either today or tomorrow^^

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Choco pie plush

hello~ this is a choco pie plush.. it is a snack from korea, made of chocolate and marshmallow ^^ sorry if the pic SO blurry...

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Thank you all!

Just thought i would thank all of you for viewing my blog, seeing that it has reached hundreds of pageviews, it really made my day! :P i will be updating this blog more often two weeks later after my examinations. so yeah... one again, thank you!!! <3

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A little update and where i get my supplies~

Hey everyone!~ So sorry i havent been posting, was so busy! >< Anyways, firstly, i would like to thank all of you for the views for my blog! it really made my day! Xie Xie!(Thank you in chinese) I have been sewing since i was in Primary 4(9-10 years of age im currently in secondary school(13-14 years old). and when i show my creations to my friends, majority do not know what a plush is, what material im using etc. So here, I will be showing you all where i get my supplies! :D ---WHERE I GET MY SUPPLIES--- 1) Felt- this is the material i use to make my plushies, but you can use other fabric like fleece if you like. Felt comes in many colours and they are easy to work with. I get mine from a bookstore that has closed down, but now, i get them from Diaso for $2 per peice, they are 60 x 70 cm long, quite a deal ;) 2) Sewing needle and thread- I dont really but these because i have what i need at home. But you can find thread and sewing needles at bookstores or sewing stores. Sometimes, i take out 1 strand of thread from a 6-stranded embroidery floss for the colours i do not have in a spool. 3) Button/safety eyes- I used button eyes for the two mamegoma plushies i posted(i made 2 more anw :3).Daiso sells them in different sizes, but again, sewing stores should sell them. I do not use safety eyes(they are quite similar to button eyes) but you can find them on ebay. 4) Stuffing- I use fibre stuffing for toys and cushions(they are softer), i used to use normal cotton that i got from pharmacies but they werent soft enough so ya... the fibre stuffing i use is called 'Hobby Fill' from a store called spotlight. Im not sure about other countries, but UK has a store called 'Hobby Craft' which may sell them Sorry this post is sooo wordy.. Hope you gained something from here~

Monday, 18 March 2013

Mamegoma plush^^

These are two mamegoma plush!! They're san-x characters, super cute and super squishy! *squish squish* Love mamegoma!!! I got the mamegoma pattern of deviant art/youtube. U can try searching for mamegoma tutorials on youtube :) i added a purple bow to the blue mamegoma and spots on the cream coloured one. For the eyes, i used button eyes for toys(i got them from daiso) the eyes actually had potruted backs, but i cut a hole on the felt and glued it on. Then for the snout, i used black acrylic paint and a toothpick to draw on the mouth>< it works really well! ^O^

Saturday, 9 March 2013

how to sew a candy corn + template

This is what I'll be showing you how to make, it's a candy corn plush:) Step 1: This is what u will be needing. Felt in colours white, orange and yellow, thread in colours black, white and yellow or mustard, scissors, sewing needle, pen or marker to mark the design, and something to make it into a keychain. Step 2: Use the template below to make this plush. Cut the template out and trace it twice onto the respective felt colours(white,orange,yellow). Then, cut the pieces out. Step 3: After cutting them out, make sure that the pieces are the same. you can trim the pieces however you like. Arrange the pieces how you would like them to be. Step 3: Next, sew the pieces together using the respective thread colours and a fell stitch. Step 4: This step is optional. U can sew whatever you are using to make it into a keychain onto the back piece of the candy corn. Be sure that it's tight enough. u can also sew on a cute face on one of the pieces. Step 5: Using black thread, sew using a blanket stitch around the candy corn. Remember to leave a gap to stuff it! Continue sewing the candy corn up and this is how it should look like! Personally, i dont really like this plush but oh well... I didnt take long to make this candy corn^^ All the best!^(oo)^

Friday, 8 March 2013

how to make a chicken plush with template~

This is the chicken plush! this is the template for the chicken plush. u can print this out and use it to trace onto your felt/fabric. The eyes, beak and blush are not included as I think that it's pretty simple^^ Step 1: This is what u will be needing: felt in colours pink, white, red and orange, a sewing needle, thread in colours white, pink, black and yellow. (U may want to use glue for the beak instead of using the yellow thread), scissors, stuffing, the template and ribbon if you want it as a keychain. Step 2: Trace the template onto your fabric and cut them out. U will also need two eyes, one triangular beak and two blushes. This is what you will have: Step 3: Arrange the pieces onto the circle how you would like it to look like. Optionally, you can add a cross on the back as its butt hole. Step 4: Next, sew on the face pieces, starting with the blushes first.Use the respective thread colours for the pieces. Step 5: Then, using a blanket stitch and white thread, take the two body pieces and sew them together all the way(starting from where the head is)till before the hand. When you reach the hand, use a fell stitch to sew on the hand. If you want it to be a keychain, attach the ribbon or what you use to the back body piece before sewing them together. Step 6: For the next hand and legs, use the same method. use a blanket stitch to sew all the way before the piece then use a fell stitch to sew it on. Step 7: When you reach this step, stop sewing and stuff your chicken! U can use cotton for this but i use those for pillows and stuffed toys, so it's really soft! >< Step 8: After you stuff, all that's left is to sew it up and your'e finished with your chicken! Here's how mine looks like^^ Good Luck and i hope you try this out! It's not really difficult! Happy sewing! :D

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Toast bread plush

argh! there has been so many common tests, thats why i havent been posting much... anyways, this is a toast plush with a top hat and melted heart shaped butter.<3 if i can, i will try posting up some of the templates i use to make my plushies. im not sure if i'll succeed because im not really a computer whizz ^^" Thank u~

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Kiioitori plush

Hi! So sorry i havent been active here, reason being it's Chinese New Year here and i have been so busy with common tests in school! ><
So here' s a kiiroitori plush i made yesterday. its not original, i downloaded the template from youtube. Though i had some trouble with deciphering the video( guess im slow!), i think it turned out pretty well. Here's the link:
Remember, its not my design!

Friday, 8 February 2013

Good news!!!

Hiya! I've got GREAT news!!! My school announced the winners of the class decoration competition today during the CNY celebration! MY CLASS WON!!!><

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Swiss roll plush

This is a swiss roll plushie! I put the pom pom balls as the sprinkle. I knoe the strawberry looks wierd, i tried my best! ><

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Little biscuit plush~

hi^^ this is a biscuit plush. i think it looks rather cute XP its definitely one of the easiest plushies to make!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Gigantic totoro!!!

This is a gigantic totoro that i made for my class's decoration. I honestly didnt like this very much... i spent approximately 5 hours making it. It was a challenge to me as it was much bigger and i couldnt just print out a template from the internet as the max. is only A4. The results of the class decoration competition will not be out so soon, the judging day is tmr (weds). I'll tell u all the results!!!

Monday, 4 February 2013

Watermelon Plush

This is a watermelon plush! i liked this one as it looked cute and it wasnt difficult to make. :D But then again, it is not the best. hope u like it!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Rilakkuma Trump Cards

Alike my previous post, this was bought yesterday and at a local bookstore(big bookshop). It was sold for $2.30. <-- quite a reasonable price.___. I was quite disppointed as there were only 12 cards with diffferent rilakkuma pictures and the others just had the same picture at the back! I guess that was what u will get for a cheap price! ><

Frog Purse Kit

I bought this kit at a local bookstore yesterday. It costs only $1.90 singapore dollars!!! There were no specific instructions but i somehow figured it out. The quality of the felt was not that good, it was so hard... my favourite part was the flower keychain part! I have no idea where else they sell this, but u could try online stores like gmarket.